What to do. | When you don’t know what to do

Hello Love,

Have you ever felt like I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE, but when you go through your mental list of who you can talk to about your situation you realize you really can’t share what you are going through with anyone, or NO ONE is in the life moment that you’re in, or you don’t really have a go-to person?

Then this post is for you! Oh Yea!

Back when I was super confused, I didn’t know what direction to take or even how to process my emotions. I was stressed out, burnt out and prayed out. (Running on fumes? Catch my Post on 3 Tips on How to Prevent Burnout)

Ever been there?

Sometimes even passions can burn us out.

Right where I wanted to quit, give-up you know, throw that metaphorical towel.

Right where I prayed till I just couldn’t pray any longer. Cried, yes cried, till I just didn’t want to cry any longer. I realized, I have the tools and resources right in front of me! And so do YOU!

God does that sometimes, he treats you like a little toddler, let’s you have your lil mini tantrum, (aww you’re so cute), and then pops the answer right when you’ve simmered.


 What to do. When you don’t know what to do?

You know what works for me, especially when I feel like I can’t share with anyone?

I write it all down, and I go back and re-read it a few days later.

The key is in – “a few days later“. I’m going to share with you 4 Tips on how to go about this process and what to NOT do.

You’ll be able to see a lot clearer, and you’ll be able to be a lot more focused.

[dropcap]1[/dropcap] Never make an emotional decision. Wait it out.

When you’re in an emotional state you can be tempted to quickly react instead of holding your peace and making a decision from a sound place. 99.9% of the time we regret hasty decisions.

Sometimes, often times we can get into those situations that we NEED to make a decision or we just made a HUGE mistake and we’re going into fix it mode in a RUSH, or we’re in the down in the dumps decision making mode.


What I’d suggest you do when you’re in these moments is to…



It isn’t easy but worth it.


It gets easier. After you’ve done it a few times, where you’ve used your self discipline, you will know how to make decisions a lot faster and you will begin to understand your emotions and how it can cloud your eyes.


PRO TIP: Never get tempted or persuaded to make a hasty decision. If it's a real opportunity time is always by your side. Yes, there are some once in a lifetime moments but usually when they come around, everything is lining into place for you to say yes. Usually.


In a NUTSHELL: When making a major life decision, don’t make it when you’re balling your eyes out and in the midst of the ball out you get this angry I’m going to do “insert rage action here” or you get the fix it rush and begin to- just not be cool. No bueno my friends.


Take it from me –  I had to learn the hard way in not ever making a decision based on fear or high emotions. You just need to write it down and give yourself time!

Not sure of what emotional state you are making your decision from?

Ask yourself, when making a decision, “WHY am I making this decision“. This will clearly point out whether your decision is based on soundness of mind or all the other emotions you go through.


[dropcap]2.[/dropcap] Be confident in allowing parts of you to just be for you.

Hey, somethings are not meant for the world, It’s for your eyes only. 🙂

Trust in God always.

You have to be confident in who He’s created you to be. You are not a mistake and YOU can make the right decisions, and remember it’s not the end of the world, only God knows when that time is. Don’t be afraid to make a decision without bringing everyone and their pet cat into the mix.


[dropcap]3[/dropcap] Wants vs. Needs

Sometimes we need a little help to make a decision and not the outside help.

You need help from your heart.

So before you attempt to make a decision aside from writing down your thoughts and emotions, write what matters to you.

Write what you need, I don’t mean what you need like air, food and water. All things you do need, I mean what you need to be fulfilled, happy and at your best self and then write a list of your wants.

It’s SO refreshing and magical when you can actually see these things on paper.


[dropcap]4.[/dropcap] Stick With It!

After you’ve written your situations in a very rant like manner –

Written down your Wants Vs. Needs –

Waited the few days.

Processed the information

Had your Ah HA! Moment

And made a CLEAR decision.

Stay strong and follow through with your decision to the very end!

Because it’s a test. What do I mean? Well, once you decide in your heart and mind – aligned & clear. You will begin to be tested on how firm you can withstand and if you’re ready for your “next level“. God will start working on your heart and mind to equip and temper you.

You will go around the same mountain until you stand firm on the direction by the grace of God you’ve outlined. This is the secret.


The testing will equip you for your task at hand. So when you reach the hard stages they will make sense, it’s part of the journey and part of the lessons that you not only learn in life, but about yourself.

God speed! Good luck on your mission cadet.

If this was helpful to you please leave a comment, pin & share it with your friends!

This will help you learn what to do when you don’t know what to do & start you off on the path of making great decisions.

This will help you learn what to do when you don’t know what to do & start you off on the path of making great decisions.



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