Meet Abbey Ashley of the Virtual Savvy

Podcast episode airs next week! January 22nd, eeek!!

Hello Love!

I met Abbey virtually in February 2017! Yes that’s right! It has taken such a labor of love and heart work to get this interview out to you. She is simply amazing and still just rocking it out! Next week you’ll listen to her story and how she went from figuring it out to living her dream and impacting thousands of women. Here’s just a brief interview for you to get to know her before hearing her story on the podcast next week.


Short Bio:
Abbey Ashley is the founder of The Virtual Savvy. She helps savvy women launch and grows their own virtual assistant business from scratch. It’s her passion to help women find ways to make money from home so they can spend more time with their families or ditch their 9-5.



Do you have a nickname?
Nope : )


How old are you?


How old are you at heart?
Haha… probably 31.


What is your title and company?
Founder (or Virtual Assistant Coach) at The Virtual Savvy


What year did you launch your business?
The Virtual Savvy


What has been a highlight during the time you’ve run your business?

I only launched my Virtual Assistant course in August of 2017, but there have already been several women who have been able to quit their jobs and work from home as a result of the course and teachings. There is no better feeling in the world than to know I had a part in that!


What has been a lowlight and how did you bounce back?

Before I launched my VA course, I was just blogging about general marketing and business. I was growing a following but making NO money. I literally think I made $1,000 in a year, outside of the income I was making as a virtual assistant. I really wanted to transition into coaching but felt terrible at it. The problem was, I was trying to teach general marketing principles to ANY kind of business owner. Once I decided to niche down and get VERY specific about my target client, that’s when I actually started making money in my business!


What do you tell yourself that keeps you motivated?

My #1 goal this year is for my husband to quit his job and go into full-time ministry. It’s always been a passion of his and it looks like it is going to happen this year! Keeping your #1 goal in the forefront of my mind keeps me going when I get frustrated or set back.


What would you say is one thing you do that refreshes you?

Honestly? Work. I have a one-year-old and a three-year-old and I made the bold decision to put them in childcare this year to focus more on my business. It was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family. They are happy and I get to spend time during the day doing something I love. When they were home all day, I felt like I was on the computer and not giving them enough attention. Now, when they come home, the computer closes and I can give 100% of my focus to them and my husband.


What do you want readers to gain from following you on social media?

People think that there’s this super-secret knowledge that you have to have to work from home on your own terms. It’s not true. It’s actually super simple to find work that you can do from home!


What lessons have you learned through running your business and pursuing your dreams?

I have learned SO much during this last year. Never be afraid to scrap something and try a different direction. I honestly stuck with my blogging business too long. I was afraid to scrap it all and go in a new direction. However, once I did I made SO much more money, was helping more people, and was generally more fulfilled!


What is your favorite lipstick color?
Anything dark matte – and then I rub half of it off… haha


Do you prefer coffee or tea?
Coffee… unless if it’s chai tea (which is basically sugar-milk )


Finish this sentence: “Be the woman….”
who dares to pursue her passion.



If  this interview inspired you & you’re excited to hear Abbey on the podcast next week Please follow Abbey in any of her channels below and leave a comment below!!

I would love to know you and hear from you!

Find Abbey:



Check out Abbey Ashley’s email course opt-in!

(Land Your First VA Client Workbook):

Go here: or click the image below!



  1. She sounds like she has done some amazing things. I can’t wait to hear more on the podcast too. Thank you!

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