Architecture | Washington DC

Hello Love,

Washington really has this air of Romance, Excitement, the Hustle and Bustle of city life with it’s gorgeous Architecture. Franklin and I were enamored by the city and it’s historic feel. We had a great time just taking it all in.

Washington-dc-architecture (1) Washington-dc-architecture (2) Washington-dc-architecture (3) Washington-dc-architecture (4) Washington-dc-architecture (5) Washington-dc-architecture (6) Washington-dc-architecture (7) Washington-dc-architecture (8) Washington-dc-architecture (9) Washington-dc-architecture (10) Washington-dc-architecture (11) Washington-dc-architecture (12) Washington-dc-architecture (13) Washington-dc-architecture (14) Washington-dc-architecture (15)Washington-gift-shopWashington-dc-architecture (16)

Have I mentioned how badly I wanted a cup of local joe?

Well I did and next time I’m def going to get my cup and make all fellow party members part-take in the exquisiteness of it.

Franklin was the one who really planned and thought of everything for this trip I just helped make it happen. If the sun was out we were going to take the Water Taxi!! Ce’ la vie Love, Ce’ la vie.

I really liked how all the pictures turned out. It really had this “England” Feel you know? I took way more pics than what you see here, but I think these captured the moment for us. Franklin loves the city at night while I really enjoyed it by day.




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