BTW: Amanda From Common Thread Jewelry

This woman is by far one of the most sincere and genuine women I’ve ever met in my quest to be fabulous. She’s amazing, has a true heart for family and a positive aspect in life, that encourages you out of any slump. This woman is a Trial Blazer!


I’m doing my best to take care of my boys and maintain their love of education and life. This is definitely a very inward part of my journey where I’m having to take the pain of the body and understand the knowledge I’m gaining with the mind. So spending much needed time with myself to course correct for the future when I’m feeling better. I’m not ready to completely give up on leatherwork, but keep an open mind about a smaller operation in the future. Closing down COMMON THREAD Jewelry isn’t an end, but a firm step up to something better. “

(Currently Amanda has closed her doors due to an unfortunate injury to her back. She is majorly talented so I’m sure her creativity will flow once more. She is so wonderful that I had to deliver this amazing women’s perspective before she closed her business and just let you all see her amazing talent and Art. This interview was mostly done before her doors had been closed, but I’m sure temporarily 😀)

Name: Amanda D. El Jaouhari
a.k.a.: Never really had a nickname. Panda I guess is as close as it gets.
Age: 34

Age at heart: 8 (Such a fun year! I try to keep my happiness level there  – free!)
Kids: Yes. Two boys that are mine and I have a stepson as well that I consider mine too 🙂 So three 14, 12 & 7


Current title/Company/Blog: Founder of COMMON THREAD Jewelry

Year you launched: 2012


When did you start common thread Jewelry?
Hey! Sorry I was running an order.

I initially started an engraving business the summer of 2011. It evolved over the next year into a jewelry business (retail) with some business clients ( wholesale) the fall of 2012. That’s when I re-branded and became COMMON THREAD Jewelry.

What made you choose that name and to re-brand?
The first year was a learning experience and as I evolved as a business owner I honed in on what product was selling and giving me the most creative reward.

Common thread is a representation of the philosophical beliefs that drive my business. It’s all about interconnections.


What would you say is your best seller?
The earrings sell well bc they’re so light weight, but the bracelets are my best sellers. Of those, the wraparound bracelet is my best seller. It’s a simple easy to wear piece that works by itself or pair with other bangles.

What does an ordinary day look like to you? What is your schedule like?
Well, my priority is the mom role before anything else. So work doesn’t begin until after the kids are dropped at school. My work day is usually contained within the school hour time frame. Afternoons/evenings are for my kids (homework) bc I want to instill a great love of education in them that will carry over to their adult lives. The rest of the evening is family time/volunteer time and after bed time I sometimes finish up anything else work related. Weekends I’m a vendor at the Raleigh flea market. So I’m going 7 days a week and love every minute of it.

Amazing! What would you say is the driving force behind what you do?
Happiness. Contentment with Life.


What was your first ‘I’m a Grown Up’ experience? 
Buying my first car for sure! Beat up Pontiac Sunbird with too many miles!! It bought me my first taste of adult freedom!

What has been the highlight thus far? What has been a low and how did you power through?
Highlight-the people I’ve met bc of my business. Never knew a person could have so many soul mates. 🙂 Business highlight – taking an idea/concept entirely raw and in my head and turning it into reality. More over a reality that has give me access to amazing people (present company included)

I don’t believe in lows. It’s all about perspective.

If I take any hardship as a low then I’ve automatically missed out on the chance to learn. To learn and improve


What is the one thing that you do with your child daily, no matter how busy you are?
Read. Retreating into a story with your child is priceless.

What child-related product could you not live without?
Ha! I have boys – AIR FRESHENER

What TV show or Movie character best portrays your personality?
hmmmm…Elizabeth Bennett from the classic book turned movie, Pride & Prejudice.


Favorite Lipstick color? After spending years in Chanel and Dior my favorite is Revlon’s wine with everything (red). Getting less fussy in my old age.

Coffee or Tea? Tea…green chai tea.

Finish the sentence, Be the woman… That allows your soul to sing.



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That’s What She Said…


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Be The Woman, #BTW – Is an Amazing Women Feature Series & now weekly link up here on the Blog! Which I’m so excited about . I love reading about amazing women and God truly placed in my heart to start this series! I hope you enjoy.



  1. alicia betancourt says:

    Beautiful jewelry Amanda! I hope you can recover quickly so you can go back to doing what you love! Hopefully it is only temporary.

  2. alicia betancourt says:

    Beautiful jewelry Amanda! I hope you can recover quickly so you can go back to doing what you love! Hopefully it is only temporary.

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