Day 25: You Are Chosen

Hello Love,


Today, we’re in the belly of a whale. We’re going over one of my favorite stories in the bible. Jonah.
Jonah was called by God to deliver a message. Due to the place in which he was to deliver the message, knowing how ruthless the people were Jonah thought it much better to run away.

What are you running away from Love?


In life, we will either need to confront, let go or Let GOD.


Are you allowing God to truly guide your steps or just the steps you agree with?


Jonah decided to run, he went on a boat, there was a storm and he was thrown overboard. IF things couldn’t have gotten any worse, he was then swallowed by a large fish. There, in the belly of a beast Jonah repented and asked God to save him. Jonah was in the belly for 3 days and 3 nights and then he was vomited on to dry land.
I LOVE this story because although Jonah went opposite of God’s call on his life, God confronted Jonah through storms to get him back on track.
Although it is not ideal for us to go through certain storms, these storms are sometimes necessary to not only be obedient to the call that God has on our lives, but to save others through the testimony and obedience of our decisions.
When Jonah brought the message to the people of Nineveh, they did as Jonah did within the belly of the beat, they repented and turned back to God.


What is God’s call on your life? Do you know the impact you have on those around you and those on the direction towards your calling. Sometimes, it’s not about you, but the people God is trying to reach through you.


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Today’s Challenge


Love, I want you to deeply reflect on just how amazing you are. On just how impactful you can be and on just how Loved you are. God wants to use you to do amazing things and to help those that need you to step into your calling. Write down the influence you can have if you pursue the call that God has on your life.
On Instagram Using the #30DaysofGraceChallenge write what’s on your heart towards the call on your life.



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