Day 3: The Power of your WORDS!

Hello Love,


Today we are looking into the life of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.


Zechariah was a priest. Both he and his wife were righteous in the sight of God, but they were childless and both were very old. Then one day performing his duties as priest before God, an angel appeared to Zechariah and told him that he would have a son (John the Baptist).


Instead of receiving this word in faith, Zechariah questioned the possibility of this becoming a reality.


The Angel said to Zechariah,

“I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.” Luke 1:19-20


What are you speaking? Are you preventing your own dreams, desires, and blessings to enter your life because you’re speaking disbelief?


In this text you can see the importance, value and weight your words can have.

Because Zechariah didn’t believe due to his circumstances in order for this blessing to come to pass God had to shut up Zachariah’s mouth who did not speak until the day his son was born naming him John.

Watch your words.

There are many texts in the bible that emphasize how important and how powerful your words can be.


Why would God instill power within your breath if all you do is mumble and complain?

Why would He give you the power to move mountains when all you are speaking is lack and death?

SPEAK LIFE. Towards that dream towards those endeavors that you do have, regardless of your circumstances.


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Today’s Challenge

Watch your words. Do not complain for this whole day or say anything negative. Be mindful of what you are speaking Today.


Extra Challenge

Do not complain or speak negatively in any way for the remaining days of this challenge – Watch how your life changes!

Write down 3 positive affirmations of who YOU are and repeat them through-out the day or when-ever you feel/think negatively.


For example:

1. For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind
2. I am called, equipped and more than capable to accomplish the call that God has on my life.
3. I am abundantly blessed and God will supply all of my needs



Down in the comments write a positive affirmation about who you are and what you are believing.
Go to Instagram and using the hashtag #30DaysofGraceChallenge post a picture of your choosing and write out your Affirmation.


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