Downtown Decor | Family Trip

Our Trip Downtown (6)Our Trip Downtown (5)

Our Trip Downtown (2)
Our Trip Downtown (4)
Our Trip Downtown (3) Our Trip Downtown (7) Our Trip Downtown (8) Our Trip Downtown (9) IMG_1264Our Trip Downtown (10)
Our Trip Downtown (11)Our Trip Down Town

Hello Love,

Our trip downtown was incredible, amazing and exactly what I needed. I love getting inspiration from just a family trip a new scenery even if it’s only about 30min away, or our own back porch (we currently do not have a yard but one day love…one day!)

You know, lately I’ve been more intentional. It’s currently my favorite word, I’ve been using it a LOT lately but it’s just soooo true and such a game and life changer.

I’ve been so concerned and consumed with things that really don’t matter and now….(takes a breath)

I get to breathe and count my blessings.

I’ve been so focused and hard set on one thing that I lost sight of what I already had and what I can build upon. Sometimes God just takes you one route to show you another. You know?

I’m honestly happy that I’m here right now. I think sometimes we have to go through the muck in order to bloom like a lotus. Or we have to go through eating leaves so we can become a butterfly…I know not that eloquent but you get what I’m cookin!

Sometimes, God allows us to go through the wilderness for us to realize what we have ahead of us. For God to work in our hearts and prepare us for the future.

So what ever season you’re in, whether your pursing your dream, have your dream or figuring out your dream sometimes you really gotta just pause…take a breath and count your blessings.

Our Trip Downtown (1)


P.S. I was trying mega hard to capture some epic pics, but I didn’t have my “pro” cam. But I did have my Selfie stick! I guess that works. Franklin and Emanuel had a blast and I’m just so happy that we got to spend time with Emanuel’s Grandma Alicia. I just know these days go by like slipping sand, I’m learning to just capture it all.


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