How to Plan Your First Event or Conference: A Checklist


Events take an incredible amount of effort, sweat equity, and resources to pull off successfully. There are certain things you need to have in place before you even consider telling a single person about the event and that’s a great thought-provoking WHY.

So before we get into the nitty-gritty of putting together a show stopper and after you secured your Why, which will help you in those low points and establish the market in which your event is made for, you have to consider your resources and budget. This is when a plan starts coming into place.

Thankfully you’re reading this article to help provide you with a great advantage toward your successful endeavor.

What went wrong? At the time I didn’t know it, but I didn’t have a strong enough WHY and because of that, it trickled down to not having any form of strategy, goal setting, or a marketing plan that converted. How strong your WHY is, will eventually lead to how successful your event will be. Remember this when putting together your next successful event.

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