Make Social Media Work for You


In today’s episode, we have the amazing Deanna Seymour, Digital Marketing Strategist and host of the podcast, Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business. Deanna Seymour knows the power of creativity, fun, and lettin’ your freak flag fly when it comes to marketing your business.

Whether she’s hosting an online coworking sesh or helping a client get over their fear of being on camera, Deanna uses humor and empathy to build a community that helps people feel seen, heard, and ultimately more comfortable in their own skin so they can have more fun getting in front of their perfect-fit clients. When she’s not working with clients, she’s probably callin’ out sleazy marketing tactics, hangin’ with her fam, or sneaking in some crappy reality tv!

We talked about:

  • Doing social media in a way that is true to you and what you enjoy
  • Static Instagram Pages
  • Instagram Reels and Stories and the importance of resharing

Where to find Deanna Seymour

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