How to Merge your twitter Accounts

YES! I finally did it! I Merged my twitter accounts! PHEW!

I thought that 1. I should explain the most recent event that took place last night. It’s the least I can do for so many amazing followers! So I had two twitter accounts which were both linked and relying the same msgs. One via tumblr, the other was my primary. I decided to merge the two accounts to make it easier for my followers to interact with me and I with them. I’m thankful and surprised by the amount of support I had and I truly believe it will continue as the week goes on. 2. I felt it in my heart that it was time. I’m thankful that I have the best followers EVER!!!

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I’ve done the research and there’s no magic button that twitter has to actually merge two accounts. So I did it the ol fashion way. I followed everyone who followed me via the account I wanted to keep. Yes everyone. Since I was switching accounts and also switching names I decided to also follow everyone who followed me in the account I wanted to keep. ♥ I was blown away by the response and I’m just thankful that I really truly feel like almost everyone who followed me on both accounts knew what was going on. It was amazing! Truly only by His grace,  for reals! I even had some completely new followers :). Do I expect every follower to merge…not really just the ones who really wanna stick it out with me. That’s the most rewarding part of all this. It’s so cool when people have seen your journey and are there for you watching you grow even when you change and go in a whole different direction, 🙂 They’re like “I love you, I still support you.” Awwww I almost cried with some of the responses that really put me at ease. I’ve seen my followers be there for me in the most unexpected ways, from my lows and my highs. I just hope I can also be there for you as you are there for me.

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I’m growing so much, from where I’ve started to now its one of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn’t change any of it. I also freaked out in mid merge that I bet almost had people confused! Haha. But thankfully with a lot of prayer I got back on track and I finally made, the best decision. I’m not perfect I’m full of flaws. I’m just thankful that prayer is powerful, ya digg! Like really!

So for those of you that have seen me grow, CHEERS! This is only the begining and I know it in my heart greater things are yet to come!

From Here
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To Here
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Thank you everyone! Sincerely and dearly.

You know what, I don’t feel alone anymore. I thought I didn’t have “friends” in the way I thought friends should be. God has shown me that He is truly my friend and He works through other people with a beauty and Grace. I have the best-est friend ever He works through people and His name is Jesus.

Until Next Time! Ciao!

If you’re not following me over at Twitter! Get at me! @lindamendible  🙂

Have you ever had an experience that was both frightening and liberating at the same time??

FYI References if trying to Merge an account, these helped me a bit but I did tweek it to my situation.


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