IT’s A New Chapter!

Hello Love!

Can I say that I missed you?

I got hit hard this week, well last week. Real hard. My Ascension and Thanksgiving Photos? Gone.

Silly me to think nobody would mess with my camera during the holidays. Silly me for not uploading the pictures right when I got home…Silly me :'(


When you put all your heart and soul into your work, certain things hit you hard. I’ve worked so hard this year, more specifically this last Runway show.

You can not imagine how my heart has literally shattered into a million pieces or so, it feels like it.

Not only did I Lose every capture that I took from that faithful day. By ‘that faithful day’ I mean the day I sent my first ever clothing collection down the Ascension Runway, in Charlotte.

But I also lost amazing family captures. Those of which taken from our Thanksgiving Dinner.

My sister who is in the Airforce had flown in from Germany. One of my brothers and his kids drove all the way from Miami to here in Ol’ North Kakalaki. My baby sister and her boyfriend joined us. My Hubby’s sister and her family joined us for the first time for Thanksgiving. My mom made the most incredible Turkey and delicious platters of sweet potato and mo-ro (Rice and beans spanish mix..sooo good). Not to mentioned my Mom and Dad also joined us. It was incredible. It was at my small apartment and it was AMAZING. My son danced all night he was so happy. Oh yes, baby boy can boogie.

Seems like someone had been playing around with my camera and deleted everything.


Ahh Yes, the silver lining? Well I’ve scrounged up some photos I caught on FB of a few looks… I also spoken with the Event Host & Coordinator and they are sending pictures of the show today. Lord willing!!


Charlene in Sophia Top and Skirt

Emmie in Street Cred Blazer

Marissa in Olivia Blazer

Kimmie in Red pumps

I’m planning on making this look as a dress for the future 🙂

Love, you can’t imagine the sacrifices I’ve made, the days I lost sleep, nor the instances I pushed myself past my boundaries. I never thought that the pictures I captured from my personal camera would mean so much until they were lost. Have you ever been challenged in such a way? Needless to say Love…it hurt, a lot.

On the bright side,

I’m blessed to have an amazing family and one of the greatest Gifts God has ever given me aside from Jesus, my beautiful loving and supportive husband and son.

They mean so much to me and the fact that I had to leave them back in Cary for one day, so I can go up and do a Runway show, was so hard for me.

My heart aches, and the fact that I feel as though I have nothing to show for that day, and I’ve let down my models for not being just a bit more punctual by uploading the amazing and Gorgeous pictures, Hurts like you wouldn’t believe.

Not only have I sacrificed, but these 7 amazing ladies took time out of their schedules as well to join and help me make my dreams into a reality. Five of which also had driven up to Charlotte which is a 3 hour journey to say the least.

So it brings me great sorrow that I’m not able to recapture the moment of clothing I made for the first time. I’m trying my very best to see if I can recover them from my SD Card. I’m not making any promises but please, for the Love of all that is Fashionable and Eco-Friendly, pray for me!

Recently, the hubby and I had an amazing conversation. The backdrop was glistening and unintentionally but romantically lit by candle light from the remnants of the candle I had purchased for our Thanksgiving Dinner. A Christmas tree glowing in the backdrop (it was super romantic and super spot on) As we were reflecting on everything, which we do from time to time, He said to me in his Latin language looking into my eyes, “At least you have the experience”. Which was sooo insightful and exactly what I needed.

The entire reason why I did push myself was for the experience. Which I hope to share with you all soon♥


I’ve been doing some serious thinking back at the lab (my home studio) and I’ve thoroughly thought out & weighed the pros/cons.

I need to rest the blog aspect of my business, for at least a little while. I know, I know I LOVE blogging.

I love chronicling and sharing my quest for the chic and fabulous with you all, it’s so much fun!

With so much amazing opportunities in the horizon I have to rest the blog. No worries! I’ll be back ♥

I’ve been blown away by my blog’s presence, your response and the new daily followers I get which is just simply WOW!!!!

We made it this far! I’m not stopping and I’m going to keep growing, learning and pushing.

I hope to see you all again in the New Year! I have so much amazing News for you all and I can’t wait to share! It’s a new chapter, with some new challenges.

I’m going to take all the lessons I’ve learned from this year and push it towards the new Year.

I’ll be back on the blog February 3rd 2015 with a few updates!!

I’ll still be posting on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and all, so I don’t leave you completely in the dark!

I’m still working with clients, preparing things for the future and developing new collections mind you ♥.

I’ve reached a point that I know where want to go, what I’d like to do and how I want to go about in doing it.

There’s a season for everything, right now my season has come to prepare and work on the success of Linda Mendible. To slow down and polish the details, the behind the scenes action and the stuff that creatives sometimes over look.

It’s time for me to create something truly Spectacular and I’m so excited!!

It’s not about failing, falling or sometimes getting kicked in the gut, yup, because it happens when you’re giving you’re all. It’s about Glorifying God with everything that we are.

I truly want to see what GOD has in store for me and my family. I’m not in a rush and I want to do things the right way. I don’t want to get burnt out and I don’t want to lose the Love & Passion that’s within me. You get me?

Sometimes I believe it’s good to take a step back, asses where I’m going and truly pour my heart and soul into my passion. I know I’m meant to do what I am doing and I am determine to see what God has for us, yes US. You’re in this with me and I just want you to know that means so much to me.

Make sure to join my mailing list located in my side panel so you can get the latest updates—->

You have seen me grow, stretch and do things I never thought I’d be doing. Thank you.

I hope you meet me in the New Year and set it off together with a Bang!

Merry Christmas! Cheers, Happy New Year!

P.S. My 30th Birthday is on January 29th!!! EEK!

Bye, Bye Late 20’s Hello 30 is the new 20’s. Haha. ^_^Hey, I’m not completely gone! You can always Email me! I’m still working with my fabulous amazing Clients and I’m doing what creatives do best, Creating!! I just need to take some time to polish things up. Love, this is a truly exciting time!! YAY!!!!! Woooo Hoooo!! I’ve always been a journal/diary writer (I actually still have my diary from when I first met my hubby shhhhh, he doesn’t know that! I like to re-read it from time to time) That’s why I can’t wait until February!!! I still have to tell you the details of the fashion show, what I’ve learned. I also gotta talk to you about some amazing Textiles that are coming in the mix! Not to mentioned the family room I am doing for a client and….well you just have to come back to find out, Muah! XOXO ♥ 

Check out the music I used for our Runway Show.


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