Hello Love,
Well we did it, We went up to Charlotte and we strutted our Awesomeness.
May you all have an amazing Thanks Giving. I’m taking my Vacation this week ♥ I heart ya.
Stay tuned! Lord willing I will be back next week, starting Dec 1, with some goodies and later on that week some behind the scenes shots of the Amazing Ascension Runway Show!
If you were involved Bravo!!! AMAAAAAAZING SHOW LOVES!
If you attended…You must be awesome.
God is sooo Awesome! I can’t help and be thankful for everything. For getting the chance to create and express myself through fabric! It’s just so amazing. I don’t take it lightly. For me it’s art. I love it.
I can’t wait for next week just to share more with you all.
I’m blessed to have you come, visit and stay awhile. My sister just came home from Germany and many of my family are coming up from Miami too!
Truly thankful to God, for allowing me such precious moments with my amazing, amazing, amazing Hubby and cutttttiee pie baby boy. I can not express the gratitude, on just where I’m at.
In the words of the wise Joyce Meyers, ” I may not be where I want to be, but Thank God I’m not where I used to be.”
There’s still so much for me to do and I have BIG Dreams….For now, I will take advantage of this moment of Vacation, unwind with my family, praise GOD in the High’s and Low and know Jesus is forever in my heart. ♥ I love you. (Hope that’s not too awkward, I’m just overwhelmed with positive energy I’m exploding with appreciation and Love.)
I didn’t want to leave you all with nothing! So please if you have a blog, Link up! If you are visting, visit one of the blogs in the Link up!
I hope you enter! It’s a weekly Linkup that I hope to keep going as long as I can.
There are no rules! Post what ever you’d like how ever you’d like! Can’t wait to read what you post!!
Help spread the love, grab my #bethewoman button from the side bar and link back here! —->