Recognizing the Season you’re in (VIDEO) – And other Exciting News!

Hello Love,

How are you!? How have you been!? I can’t wait to dig into – Recognizing the Season You’re in but first!

I have some amazing News!

We're Expecting! 2016 Goals (8)We're Expecting! 2016 Goals (4)We're Expecting! 2016 Goals (9)

We're Expecting! 2016 Goals (2)

We are expecting another bundle of Joy!

I’m just a few months preggers and the scheduled due date is sometime in August. I don’t really want to set a date, because Emanuel did come 1 week early.


Ah, I remember being in my sexy awesome hospital gown, wires everywhere, waiting for my contractions to hit, because even though my water broke, hours went by and I was inevitably set on a pitocin drip.


Something I was trying to avoid. If you don’t know what a pitocin drip is, it’s something they give us moms to prepare us for the pangs of motherhood. J/k, sort of – it’s to kick in those awesome feel good contractions. Yay!


Then, as I was alone in my hospital room’s bathroom, totally chic mind you, I remember placing my hands & cradling my over sized pregnant belly – this time feeling my contractions and thinking…


I do not want to go through this right now. I could wait another week, but the baby is coming no matter if I’m ready or not.


We're Expecting! 2016 Goals (6)

Life can sometimes hit us like that, whether we’re prepared or not for life’s events certain things are going to happen.

What are you going to do?


During this time, I call it my “down time“. The time I’ve been away from the blog. Apparently.

I’ve asked myself some very tough questions, faced challenges and now, as I’ve prepared, I believe I’m ready, not completely but the time is now, to step forward into this new role and new adventure that is in front of me.


God has really validated this new venture I’ve embarked on in just unbelievable ways and I am so excited!


Can I be real though? It’s been tough. I’ve been so exhausted…


Just as those last months of pregnancy are, well, tiring for a mom to be. Giving birth is a whole ‘nother story.

Not that I’m comparing blogging or going into a new direction to giving birth, but it’s something that currently resonates with me.

There’s the time of preparation then there’s the time of doing & receiving.

Where are you now? What is God working on the inside of you?


I believe there’s something powerful to be said when recognizing the time we’re in.

Are you too busy?

Are you listening and acknowledging the season you’re in?


God has been soooo gracious to me during this time, more than I deserve. And when I almost feel like falling into the comparison trap or falling victim to mom guilt – I just take a deep breath, meditate on God’s word and remember -there’s a season for everything.


What season are you in?


The Design Process

Download this free 3pg. workbook to help you recognize the season you’re in!


Watch this video to help you through it!

Recognizing the season you’re in from Linda Mendible on Vimeo.

MY new 2016 GOALS

As far as my blog goes 🙂

[dropcap]1.[/dropcap]Helping people develop a deeper relationship with God & themselves.

  •  I’ve been working on a few devotionals and an email course called “Pep Talks” for those of you who need that extra encouragement. I’ve found that having a relationship with God brings us to having a deeper relationship with ourselves. Jesus is the foundation of my family, my faith, and our lives. Our relationship with God is one that we deeply hold dear to our hearts and I would love to, continue to share that with you all as well.

[dropcap]2.[/dropcap]I want to help people start their dream on the right foot, especially when it comes to biz & blogging.

  • I’ve been blogging now for over 5 years and believe me when I say that I’ve done the right and wrong things when it comes to blogging. Oh and let’s not forget as an entrepreneur as well, and because I’ve combined the two it’s only fair to share what I’ve learned throughout the years. To help you not make the same mistakes as I did. Because I honestly believe that I will be giving you so much value with this – plus, I’m part SUPER passionate and part I LOVE this, I decided Why not? So Watch out for my Biz & Blogging series, coming out next month. ♥

[dropcap]3.[/dropcap]Being creative

  • Am I going to still create things?  You bet your bottom dollar. YES. It’s my passion to be creative and to create, I’ve realized that I can take my creativity into a whole new level and let it work for me. By becoming more focused and true to myself.


Believe me when I say, I was scared at first to take this leap.

I know how hard it is to get your thoughts together, to actually do the WORK and I can say I’ve been there.

I know what it’s like to be stripped of all known security and solely rely on a truly awesome and truly faithful God. I know what it’s like to doubt your direction, question your dreams and face the fear of failure.

You don’t have to go through it alone…

Join me live on Tuesday to digg a little deeper- June 7th on Periscope to recognize the season you’re in at 4pm where I go further in depth on this! Make sure you download your workbook!

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Recognizing the Season your in Workbook small





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